Archive for May, 2015

MS Walk 2015

Posted by on May 27 2015 | Events , MS , MS Walk , Women in Leadership


Well, activity in my life has picked up so much that I’m falling behind in the blog posts. We had our big successful MS Walk this past Sunday. The group that I started and facilitate for the MS Society formed a team and we raised more than the goal of $7,500 that I set in February. The $8,802 means our group will receive $880 for our group activities!

After my speech on March 31 at the WAMS event, Jody Wilson-Raybould offered to join the team. It was so great to have her at the walk too!. One of the photos published by the MS Society shows her and her campaign team member Lea with signs showing support for me! ( You can see all the photos selected by the MS Society to represent the walk here. )


Fortunately, I know one of the volunteer photographers and she sent me a couple of additional shots of our team that I liked. (We had a volunteer take photos for us but I haven’t received them yet.)

We wore aprons as Wahls Warriors have to cook our own food to make sure we can control what we eat. I brought a big wooden spoon as part of my costume. And as a team captain, I got a nice baseball hat, like the one seen below. The woman wearing the hat is Stephanie Mosher, the MS Society staff person in charge corporate relations and of WAMS. She’s a lot of fun and we get along great. And it’s a really nice photo of her.

Team walking


The event started with a speech from my friend, Sarah Le Huray of team Making Lemonade. And the very end of the event, after the awards were given out, two of our Wahls Warriors crossed the finish line, almost unwitnessed except by me, Daniel and one other man, who cheered these two for their accomplishment of a 5 km walk. Ravina was the very last one and she crossed with her two sons. She told me she wouldn’t have been able to do this a few months ago!

MS Walk 2015 Ravina crop

So proud of you, Ravina!

Well done, Wahls Warriors!!!

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My health care team — Part Two

Posted by on May 07 2015 | Health Care , MS

In addition to more conventional/traditional health care, I have incorporated several broader and more holistic elements of health to my routine.

My health team includes:

Vancouver Farmers Markets

I am fortunate that I live in a city with a vibrant farmers market. We gradually started adding more and more organic produce into our shopping and now eat exclusively organic when possible. I have been a regular at the markets for a couple of years and a die-hard market shopper in the past year.

main st farmers market

Organic Acres Market

I live near Organic Acres (Main Street at 20th) making it convenient to pick up organic ingredients for cooking as we cook 99% of our own food now and never eat processed foods. The owners and staff are really friendly and helpful. I am so grateful they decided to open their store so close to me as I’m there several times a week.

organic acres

Grass-fed and organic meat suppliers

I have good access to grass-fed meats and organ meats in local butcher shops and from a farm in Lumby, BC. We have incorporated organ meats and more healthy fats into our diet, including ghee (clarified butter) from grass-fed cows, lard, and coconut milk and oil. This is in addition to high quality olive oil and organic avocados.

The photo below is of half a bison liver. We made several meals out of this, finding ways to ‘hide’ it in ground meats, stews and meatloaf. We also made delicious pâté.

organ meats bison liver

Healthiest Winner

I participate in a program offered by Vancouver Coastal Health and Vancouver Park Board called Healthiest Winner . I’ve increased my balance, strength, and fitness with twice a week workouts and sometimes I add a swim and sauna. I work on my core strength and plank every day.

Wahls food Healthiest Winners 015

Wahls Facebook Communities

My local and international facebook communities of Wahls Protocol followers help me to continue learning and sharing. Dr. Wahls had made it her mission to encourage us to reclaim our health by changing how we eat and live. We share successes and challenges and these connections have made it possible for me to continue making changes. There are so many success stories that inspire me. And when I think back to how I was two years ago, I can hardly believe how much better I am now than I was then.

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