Eleven days post-surgery (rhizotomy)

Posted by on Jan 07 2013 | Facial Pain/Trigeminal Neuralgia , MS

I have kept a thorough video log of the recovery from surgery and I’m pleased to see that today I’m looking a bit more like myself. According to the neurosurgeon, Dr. Kaufmann, about 15% of people who carry the herpes virus will have an outbreak after a balloon compression rhizotomy. I meant to get a prescription from him before I left but, in my excitement of being pain free, I forgot. Two days after the surgery, I had the warnings signs of an outbreak and it was really large — between my lip and my nose and on both my upper and lower lip. It’s just about completely healed now.

Daniel and I went to see a movie yesterday (Lincoln) and then went out for dinner at a nice little Lebanese restaurant. The food was really delicious. I’m able to chew now and each day gets a bit easier. I’m still a bit anxious/apprehensive about things in my mouth but I guess it’s understandable as I’ve been so careful for almost three years now.

I booked some follow-up appointments at the MS Clinic as I have to see a neuro-ophthalmologist and also get an MRI with contrast to see where the active lesions are.

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