My neurologist ordered an MRI for me last July on a non-urgent basis as my trigeminal pain was not typical and he didn’t think it would show anything. It had originally been scheduled for July 13 — yes, a wait of one year — but they called me on Monday to reschedule. They happened to have a spot for this morning at 8:15, so I took it. Now, I’m claustrophobic, so they suggested I take some drugs to relieve my anxiety. As I had little time to book an appointment with my GP, I thought about it and realized that I had my own resources that I could tap into. Living with the pain I’ve dealt with has been like being trapped in my body and I survived. I spent some time ‘centering’ and was relaxed when they called me in. Once I lay down on the table and put the earplugs in, I closed my eyes and ‘visited’ two of the most beautiful places in BC that I’ve been to: Cape Scott on the north end of Vancouver Island, and Cortes Island . I had just started swimming in the phosphorescent water at night on Cortes when the technician told me I was done. We were back home by 9:00.
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