Hero #3 — Herta Buller, RMT
I think of Herta as my ‘super-therapist’ because she does a bit of everything. She has great knowledge of the body and how it functions, and she can read your body with her hands. The first time I saw her in November, she said my body was really stressed and she wondered how long I had been struggling. It was really refreshing not to have to try to explain in words what I thought was happening or wait weeks for test results. She assessed the series of sphincters through my digestive tract, drained my gall bladder, worked to reduce the hiatal hernia, and then started to teach me how to relax again. She helped me with my swallowing problem, digestive problem and worked with me to prepare for sinus surgery and recover from the surgery. She teaches me how to communicate with my primitive brain and to use visualization to work on healing, both physically and emotionally.
Herta’s business card outlines her many areas of specialty. She is a Registered Massage Therapist and does Visceral Manipulation, Self-Regulation Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Cranial-Sacral Therapy and Acute & Chronic Trauma Injury Rehabilitation.
I’ve learned so much from Herta. She is a gifted healer and I am so fortunate to have her helping me.
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