Hero #2 — Klinik health collective

Posted by on May 16 2012 | Facial Pain/Trigeminal Neuralgia , Health Care

Jennifer Jellis, RAc

I started seeing Dr. Kathryn Hargreaves at Klinik in June of 2010. She helped me deal with the after-effects of trauma related to pain and hepatitis from using Tegretol. As I eliminated the drugs and recovered from the acute pain of the unnecessary root canal, Kathryn’s support helped me manage drug free until May 30, 2011. At that time, I began to have bouts of intense facial pain that would last 30 minutes. I went to my GP to get a referral to a neurologist. I was told it would take a long time to see him. I needed to figure out how to manage the pain. I decided to try acupuncture with Jennifer Jellis and she helped me get past the acute pain.

I have worked with Jennifer for almost a year now, and she has helped me a great deal. It was confusing to both of us as my ‘trigeminal neuralgia’ had some interesting characteristics. I did not have pain triggered by wind and I described ‘pops’ and ‘smacks’ up to my eye all through the summer. After the summer, I had more difficulty with constipation and reflux and she helped me with those too. I learned that the maxillary sinus, rear molars, stomach and colon are all on the same meridian in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It was becoming clear to all of us that I was struggling and needed more help.  It was during a session at Klinik with Jill Harvey that I was referred to Herta Buller. The practitioners at Klinik gave me a safe place to bring my pain and to do the work I needed to do to move forward.

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